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iTunesU in School

iTunesU  More than music.

You might know iTunes in connection with iPods and they might belong to the forbidden gadgets in the school you work for. iTunesU is a way to share lectures and more and it is free. You  can use it with kids, or university students. With ipads, or computers.


Who applies Mobile Learning?

 Many schools have been using mobile devices to teach. Some schools even have their own apps. Universities rely on Mobile Learning because of the advantages. Primary schools use mobile devices because they have proved to be useful in many ways, for example for disabled kids. Many schools talk about their experiences with Mobile Learning and their positive results. But what do students think? Do they have a different view of Mobile Learning or even further ideas on how can Mobile Learning help us in future? One student explains why Mobile Learning should be standard learning. All in all, we can summarize: Mobile Learning is the future.